Wednesday, May 11, 2022


The way you look at me, makes it clear, 
You love me from the bottom of your heart, 
And ready for everything to bear.
I know you wanna take one step ahead, 
But it's me, who's holding back. 
I have never loved someone before, 
Though I have never slept alone. 
You are soo innocent, and I am scared, 
What if I ruin it, I am afraid. 
You are like a shinning star in the sky, 
Beautiful and bright in the night light. 
I am like a cold dessert, 
Who can even turn you in to dust.
It's better you stay away from me, protected, that's must. 
So, let the things go the way they are, 
If you ask for more, it's definitely going to break your heart. 

                            - Prerana Rathi


  1. Didi baas ek baar just once and for all tell in which course and semester you are in I will be waiting outside of your class to propose you please just accept me. 🥰🥰


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