Thursday, April 13, 2023


This is a beautiful night,

It's quite and dark,

No one to say a word,

No one, anything to ask.

Hearing the dogs bark,

Sky without the stars,

The moon is visible,

Not full, only half.

Wind blowing, trees move,

Birds sleeping,

Are you awake too?

Noise of thoughts, in the silent night,

Kills the hope, which wants to bud inside,

Waiting for someone to arrive,

To share this night,

My heart counting zero to nine,

No one yet arrived.

All lights off, fine,

No ray of hope to shine,

Waiting for the sun to rise,

In a different way,

                                                                     All waste of time...

                                                                                                  - Prerana Rathi


मौत का डर

जिंदगी तो जिंदगी, अब तो मौत से भी डर लगता है, छोड़ जाओगे साथ हमारा, कहाँ वक्त लगता हैं |  ना जाने कब हमारी साँसे हमें धोखा दे जाएँ, ना जाने क...